Friday, June 24, 2005

Day Ten - Stable and stunned!

Savannah seems to have stabilised sufficiently for the oxygen supplementation to be reduced to a minimum of 1 litre per hour. If this trend continues Savannah should be able to have her nasal tubes removed, which will be far more comfortable.

She is now taking 25 ml of milk at every feed and we have discovered how to feed her without causing any distress, by feeding very slowly. It is quite an exercise, involving measuring out the volume of milk into a little cup, then withdrawing the stomache contents, incase there is any undigested liquid, then attaching the large syring into which the milk is poured, which then makes its way down into her tummy over 5 - 10 minutes.

The doctors aretelling us that she is likely to be diagnosed with a serious condition called Trisomy 18. We are still waiting for the test results to confirm the situation, but based on various features that can be seen in Savannah's body, such as her clasped fingers, the abnormal ear formation,, some gaps and ridges in her skull and a small opening between the chambers of her heart, the doctors have advised us to prepare ourselves for certain eventualities that are quite common in children with Trisomy.

What does this all mean?

Well - short of God's divine intervention, Savannah will not lead a normal life. She would be in and out of hospital due to immune system weaknesses, and would have various challenges related to feeding, and normal bodily functions. Basically she would not lead a normal life, but would need intensive or high care for life, which is said to be short lived, if she make it out of hiospital.


* taking enough milk to stop IV feeding
* breathing has stabilised, although there is still some recession

Prayer points;

* continue to breathe
* stop wight loss (she las been losing for the last three days)
* adds weight (she needs to get up to 2 kg before she will be allowed to brestfeed)
* pneumonia will be overcome
* that she will recover and have a full, normal life.
* that the boys, Mel and rest of the family can cope with the situation

Thank you for all your sms's, calls, visits, meals, flowers and most of all, your earnest prayers.

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